• Support the implementation of Organization Health & Nutrition strategy • Conduct research and analysis to inform programme design and ensure that interventions are evidence-based and aligned with best practices. • Develop and support partnerships with research institutions, academia, and other organizations to foster innovation and strengthen programme outcomes. • Collaborate on research and development initiatives, including the identification of emerging trends and innovative practices in health and nutrition • Provide guidance and technical support to all health and nutrition programmes of Organization. • Ensure the programme approaches and activities are aligned to national plans and global best practices. • Review monthly progress and assess technical support requirement for all programme teams and partner staff to provide support and training accordingly • Implement the technical programme support plan with regular follow up through frequent field trips. • Help develop internal organisational health and nutrition training and development of tools/guidelines/standards in line with international best practice to improve programme quality. • Foster technical capacity building of programme and partner staff through technical updates, training opportunities, exchange visits, literature sharing etc. • Facilitate learning, synthesis, documentation and sharing of experience / learning of health and nutrition within the organisation. • Actively engage with the technical assistance teams based in UK/US/Ireland to support cross- organisational learning and coordination. • Work with MoHFW, DGHS, NNS, MoLGRDC, BNNC and LGIs for mobilising their support and collaboration in the provision of urban and rural health and nutrition services. This should be linked to Organization’s advocacy strategies mentioned above. • Represent Organization on national level platforms like the SUN CSA and clusters, be the national level focal point. Ensure that the wider management team is well informed of external discussions. • Actively engage in health and nutrition networks with key institutions /agencies, universities and donors within Bangladesh and regionally, as appropriate. • actively promote meaningful community participation and consultation at all stages of the project cycle (planning, implementation, M&E); • work with relevant colleagues to ensure that the Complaints and Response Mechanism (CRM) is functional and accessible, that feedback and complaints are welcomed and addressed; • Work with relevant colleagues to ensure that information about CRM, safeguarding and expected staff behaviour is disseminated among programme participants and communities.
• Master of Public health or related health or nutrition discipline. Clinical degree preferred
• At least 8 years of experience in the area of community based health and nutrition program planning, management, implementation, monitoring and capacity building with at least 5 years of working experience at senior technical and/or managerial role. • Proven experience of leading and managing large primary health care and nutrition projects in urban and rural areas • Proven experience of working with high level stakeholders including government ministries and donors • With clear understanding of Bangladesh government health system and experience of working in health system strengthening (rural/urban), and capacity building project in partnership with NGOs and government departments, local government institutions • Strong leadership skills with sensitivity in dealing with government authorities on critical issues • Strong management skills and ability to motivate others and promote accountability among staff
2 years with possibility of extension